Thursday, December 5, 2013

Spices that help you lose weight!

Here are a list of five spices that can help you to lose weight. I Love cinnamon!!! I take cinnamon supplements daily, and also add it to my morning cup of coffee, or sprinkle it on my oatmeal. Ginger is another one of my fave's to juice, or boil in water and drink it like a tea! #weightloss #spices #cinnamon #cayennepepper #blackpepper #mustardseed #ginger #healthy #spices

  • Cinnamon helps reduce blood sugar, and promotes healthier processing of carbohydrates
  • Cayenne Pepper has "fat burning" abilities because it contains capsaicin
  • Black Pepper boosts fat metabolism, improves digestion, and promotes absorption of nutrients
  • Mustard Seed boosts meatbolism 20-25% for up to several hours after eating 
  • Ginger is a diuretic which improves gastric mobility and hinders absorption of cholesterol

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